
Crisis vs project delivery

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The participants of AUTOMA 2021 Congress Vaseem Khan (Global Vice President, Digital Projects and Innovation, Chief Innovation Officer at McDermott) and Gaetano De Santis (General Manager Engineering Division at Bapco) shared their insights on the crisis impact on capital project delivery. Here we gathered the highlights of the webinar for you.

How does the coronavirus impact digital transformation & project delivery?

COVID-19 transforms processes much faster than CEOs. Sending people somewhere is not an option anymore - we can work as effectively as we did before but now we do not waste 3 days of traveling for a 1-day meeting as there is an ability not to leave our houses.
The pandemic impacts not only business processes but relations between people in the company as well - this is both a challenge and a good combination for project execution because working from home is more efficient but people want to see each other.

How to execute complex capital projects on time, not over budget, high productive, and value-added in the current situation?

There is a false expression that a big project has to be late. The biggest reason for delays is the lack of information or bad information flow. The challenge is: the information that the construction team wants is different from the information that the supply team provides.
Another aspect is a good operational experience. This means that we need more training and simulations, and probably direct integration of the VR platform with the operating Training System Model.

What is the role of the Digital Twin in project delivery?

A Digital Twin is not just a scale model of an actual facility, it is an up-to-date replica of all the processes, systems and assets, and it has all the data generated at the original facility. It allows to do predictive analytics: to see what is going to fail and what is not, and so plan effectively your project delivery taking into account these aspects.
We can also use Digital Twins for training and simulation, to create various situations and conditions.

How long does it take to implement the Digital twin?

It is a complex process. First, you need a company-wide strategy - you do not need a point solution, you need an end-to-end strategy to see what you have to do. Then you should divide the path in your strategy to relatively easy and relatively cheap parts and implement them. The challenge is that you have to prove and qualify that it is economically convenient.


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